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Victoria's Wastewater:

Land-Based Treatment ... or Something Better?

Speaker Biography

John Werring, M.Sc., R.P.Bio. – Salmon Conservation Biologist, David Suzuki Foundation

John is a registered professional biologist who is committed to ensuring that interests of the fish and wildlife of this province, and the public's access to those resources, are taken into consideration in government and industry resource planning initiatives. He has a Masters degree in Zoology/Resource Ecology from UBC. Over the past 16 years John has worked on a wide range of environmental issues as they relate to protection of fish and fish habitat including sewage treatment and disposal, timber harvesting, gravel and hard-rock mining, hydroelectric projects and real estate development. He has extensive experience in conducting environmental assessments and undertaking investigations, specifically as they relate to alleged breaches of procedures of administrative and/or criminal law. He has written and is published extensively in these fields. He also has extensive experience in participating in multi-stakeholder planning processes, forming and leading grass roots coalitions and lobbying governments. John has been active on the Victoria sewage file for the past 10 years.