Tribute from Cdr. Peter Chance rtd. - MASC Founder and Past President

At our first meeting at the University of Victoria in the summer of 1993, it soon became apparent that I was in the presence of a renowned scholar. What impressed me most perhaps was that this soft spoken, gentle, self effacing man of Scottish heritage shared an enthusiasm for the goals of the Maritime Awards Society more than matched my own. That day he willingly consented to join our Board of Governors

It was Douglas, who in the spring of 1994, initiated the goal of reaching out to the public through Forums, Workshops and Symposiums, and, as an alternative method of raising funds for the Scholarships programmes. Through his myriad friends, former students, associates and colleagues, he was the successful organizer and conductor of MASC forums and workshops in Victoria, Halifax and St John’s. Indeed, his Report of the 2002 workshop on “Revisiting the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea” was instrumental in convincing the Canadian Government to belatedly become a signatory to the Treaty.

Notwithstanding a five year gap from 1995 to 2000, when he was on contract to the Government of Singapore, his devotion to the MASC goal of maritime awareness through education has been ‘non pareil’. He was a true friend to all of us on the Board. It was he who recruited new members here in Victoria as well as in Halifax and St. John’s where with local support he conducted successful MASC workshops. His wellspring of suggestions and proposals has added markedly to the growth and credibility of our Society.

Over the years, I felt a special bond with Douglas as we met regularly to enjoy one another’s company and for me especially to listen to his seemingly endless font of brilliant ideas and initiatives for the benefit of MASC

Today we say farewell to our devoted and generous friend, and, on behalf of the President and Members of the Board of Governors of MASC, I offer to Judith, Keith, Murray and Caroline, our heartfelt condolences on your so sad loss, and at the same time to rejoice in the worldwide acclaim accorded to Douglas for his lifelong contribution to marine law.

Peter Chance
MASC - Governor