Douglas M. Johnston

Memorial Fund


Monies received for the Douglas M.Johnston Memorial Fund may be used in one or more of the following ways:

(a) for defraying the costs of MASC-hosted workshops or similar events regarding ocean law, policy, and management topics, defined in the broadest meaning of these terms;

(b) for establishing a book prize for a law student who is attending a Canadian law school and who has demonstrated expertise in ocean law, policy, and management (if established, the selection of the recipient may rest with MASC or with a Canadian, nation-wide, international law association such as the Canadian Council on International Law, if MASC so designates;

(c) for developing the MASC Scholarship at Dalhousie University, currently in the name of Douglas M. Johnston, or the MASC Scholarship at the University of Victoria

MASC is accepting donations for the Douglas M. Johnston Memorial fund.

Please address all donations to:
The Maritime Awards Society of Canada

Please make a note that the donation is for:

The Douglas M. Johnston Memorial fund.

Thank you in advance for your donation in honouring Douglas Johnston.